Help Make a Difference
Register to be an Adult Volunteer
Our Troop is grateful for every volunteer and the impact you have on the lives of Scouts. For without volunteers, our Scouts would not be as successful.
As with all troops, we can always use more volunteer help. You can work directly with the troop as an Assistant Scout Master or Merit Badge Counselor or help direct the Troop’s future on the Troop Committee. Don’t worry. We’ll find you a job.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact our Troop Committee Chair.
How You Can Help
Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM’s): ASMs assist the Scoutmaster in delivering the Troop program throughout the year. Individual time commitment will vary by activity. Typical areas of responsibility include Program Advisor, Patrol Advisor, New Scout Recruitment, Camping / Events, and Advancement.
Merit Badge Counselors (MBCs): The MBC is a key player in the Scout advancement program. Whatever your area of expertise or interest, you can play a vital role in stirring a Scouts curiosity about a particular topic. Refer here to find Merit Badges you might like to help the Scout earn.
Time commitment varies based on the level of Scout interest in the Merit Badges you manage. Becoming a MBC requires additional forms (see right).
Troop Committee Member: The Committee consists of adult volunteers who fulfill various roles and are responsible for conducting the business of the Troop, setting policy, and helping the Scoutmaster and Scouts with planned activities. The Committee also has the responsibility to provide adults for Boards of Review.
Meetings held once a month.
Service Project Co-ordination: Helps organize service project events for the Troop in order to foster the Scouting principle of service to the community.
Scribe Coach: Helps the Troop Scribe keep up with the Patrol Leader Committee.
Hospitality: Help with food, set up, and clean up at Troop events such as the Troop Courts of Honor (four times a year) Eagle Courts of Honor, and Family Campout.
Campout / Outing Support: Logistical organization of all camping needs from registration to forms to payment.
Webmaster: Handling the maintenance and security of our Troop website
Fundraising: We have fundraising events and always need help.
Getting Started...
To be a Volunteer, you will need to:
Contact the Troop Committee Chair
Fill out and return the Adult Application which includes a Background Check authorization
Registered Adults are required to complete Youth Protection Training ("YPT")
Once registered, adults are welcome to take a variety of skills training programs offered by the BSA - Training for Adults
If you wish to be a Merit Badge Counselor, some additional information required:
Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Application
Attach MBC application to the BSA Adult Application, indicating code 42 as your scouting position (bottom left of the Adult Application)
NOTE: If you previously completed an Adult Application, you will need to complete a new one at the time you apply to be a Merit Badge Counselor
Merit Badge Counselors must complete the required MBC training which is available via